Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another Portrait of Nadir Shah Afshar

Era: Mughal Empire, India
Date: mid-18th century
Materials and Techniques: Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper
Size: 19.9 x 10.5 cm
Kept in the Smithsonian's Museums of Asian Art, Washington DC, USA.
Source: [1]
نقاشی نادر شاه افشار - امپراتوری مغولان هند - موزه اسمیتسونین، واشنگتن دی سی‌، آمریکا
This image is used in the cover of a book called The Rise and Fall of Nader Shah: Dutch East India Company Reports, 1730-1747. You may look at it in Amazon.com. [2]