18th century, Persia (Iran)
Medium: Steel; damascened with gold
Dimensions: H. 24.8 cm. Diam. 19.1 cm.
Kept in Metropolitan Museum, New York, USA.
Source: [1], [2], [3]
کلاهخود مزین به دعا و آیات قرآنی- قرن هجدهم میلادی
Although this helmet was a serviceable military object, it was probably used as an accessory of a parade armour. Forged from watered steel and damascened in gold with talismanic inscriptions, it contains an invocation to 'Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet, and calls upon him for protection against harm and danger. The verses are distinctly Shi'i, and commonly found on objects from the Timurid through the Qajar periods in Iran and Central Asia.